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Thursday, July 30, 2009

USSR: 5 Roubles (1934)


Denomination: 5 Roubles

Year of First Issue: 1934 Governing Body: USSR

The Rouble was once again revalued when this banknote was printed. This particular note, printed in 1934 by the Soviet Union, was also pegged to the gold standard like some of its predecessors. The front of the banknote recognizes the value of the note as 5 Rouble worth of gold. The front of the note has one of the earlier designs of the Soviet emblem, showing only a few banners around the main hammer and sickle design in front of the globe. Unlike the 1928 1 Rouble note, this note now has an extra ribbon in the design, signifying the addition of a republic into the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union at the time now had 7 republics, each of which is represented by 1 ribbon. However, as seen in future banknotes, the number of ribbons (and, therefore, the number of republics and size of the Soviet Union) increased.